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select distinct MP.ProductID, MP.ISBN, MP.BookName, MP.SaleCurrency,MP.SalePrice,MP.Author , CEILING(MPSR.DiscountPrice) DiscountPrice,MPSR.DiscountPercent,case when MPSR.DiscountPercent < 5 then 'Save '+MP.SaleCurrency+' '+cast(cast(coalesce((SalePrice-DiscountPrice) ,0) as numeric(36,2)) as varchar) else cast(ceiling(MPSR.DiscountPercent) as varchar)+'% off' end DiscountStatus from MasterProduct MP left join MasterProductInfo MPI on MP.ProductId=MPI.ProductId left join MasterProductSubjectRel MPSSR on MPSSR.ProductID=MP.ProductId left join MasterSubject MSS on MSS.SubjectID=MPSSR.SubjectID left join MasterProductSpecialRate MPSR on MP.ProductID=MPSR.ProductId where isnull(MP.IsDeActive,0)=0 and 1=1 and MP.Author like '%HENRY R. D'ALLEMAGNE%' order by MP.BookName

Incorrect syntax near 'ALLEMAGNE'. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ' order by MP.BookName'.


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